About us
Who we are
Is our school meeting every constituent’s concern with mission-appropriate quality, depth and courtesy?
The formation of the school 21 years ago was to address the constituency and community that lived on the “outlying” areas of the established settlements/townships around Middelburg, who were prepared to register their learner, for a minimal fee that would include 3 square meals a day, homework class and aftercare, whilst maintaining a responsibility towards their community and environment within the context of the school`s vision and mission.
This has meant creating a learning environment, based on founded principals of cooperation, consensus and tolerance, whilst taking a progressive and pro-active approach to achieving a high academic standard.
Where an environment of mutual dignity and respect is established, mission-appropriate quality, depth and courtesy has been achieved, where education is relevant, meaningful and challenging.
Our approach
Our Mission
To accomplish our vision, we have the following mission statement for the school: We, at FUTURE ACHIEVERS ACADEMY, are committed in providing relevant, meaningful, and challenging education, in an environment of mutual dignity and respect. We encourage open communication between all stakeholders and try to bring a sense of responsibility towards our community and environment. It is important to parents, teachers and learners that:
- High academic standards be maintained
- Teachers are competent and well qualified
- Learners develop physically
- Learners develop as creatures of culture
- Learners be motivated to achieve their full potential
- Parents play an integral role as part of the educational team
- We create a harmonious and stimulating educational climate
- The highest level of effective school management is applied
Our Vision
FUTURE ACHIEVERS ACADEMY strives to create a learning environment founded on principals of co-peration, consensus and tolerance. We believe in maintaining a progressive and pro-active approach in providing an excellent standard of education.
Code of Conduct
Our aim is to maintain a discipline and purposeful school environment, within the parameters of the rights and
responsibilities of all stakeholders.
Message from our Principal
Dear Parents/Caregivers and learners
Welcome to a winning team! We regard it an honour and a privilege to be part of FUTURE ACHIEVERS ACADEMY and we are pleased to have you involved as a stakeholder! We are still Umalusi accredited and a proud member of ISASA.
At FUTURE ACHIEVERS ACADEMY we believe in showing respect to all others, as well as to our environment and EARTH, where-ever we go. We encourage all learners to do their best, no matter the circumstances. Our school has 21 years of deep traditions upon which we constantly build. We make use of every opportunity to build character and develop each learner into the best he/she can be, so as to be a competent and responsible asset to society.
I would like to give a special word of welcome to all new parents/caregivers and learners, and I honestly hope that you will find the experience at FUTURE ACHIEVERS ACADEMY very rewarding and that you and your learner will share a content and gratified school career during your time here! We are always available and willing to assist you in facing all the new challenges.
I wish all parents and learners a very blessed year. May the journey towards becoming a true Future Achiever be memorable and challenging!
Always remember to STRIVE TO ACHIEVE!
Kind Regards
M Botma
While It Is a learner`s right to receive an education and while FAA will strive to provide the educational opportunities this community has come to expect, it is important that learners acknowledge their responsibilities to themselves, their fellow learners, their teachers and the school. The rules and codes apply not only during school hours, but whenever and wherever a learner may be identified as a learner of FAA.
- To be treated fairly and responsibly.
- To show respect to others.
- To be taught in a safe and disciplined school environment; and the responsibility to uphold and co-operate with school safety and security.
- To be treated with respect by the school community regardless of personal, culture, racial, religious or other differences; and the responsibility to be tolerant and considerate of others and their beliefs.
- To express opinions politely, and the responsibility to listen to and be tolerant of the opinions of others.
- The security of oneself and one’s possessions; and the responsibility to respect others personal safety and property and not damage or steal it.
- To basic learning materials; and the responsibility to look after school’s property.
- To work in a clean and healthy environment; and the responsibility to ensure that the school’s premises are kept clean and are not damage or defaced.
- To proper tuition, regular feedback and promptly marked assignments, and the responsibility to take charge of his or her work, completing projects and homework on time.
- To punctual and consistent lessons and the responsibility to attend them on time.
- Conduct themselves in a professional and responsible way.
- Not use abusive language or behave in any abusive way.
- Be punctual and report promptly for school and classes.
- Be well prepared for teaching subject classes.
- Mark homework and assignments within a reasonable time frame.
- Respect all people and property.
- Encourage an atmosphere of effective teaching and learning.
- No teacher/assistant will take part in the discussion of other teachers/staff or any matter not of concern to them.
- All teachers/assistants/staff, always, will carry a positive attitude forward about the school.
- Plan flexible lessons that address the variety of all learners/special-needs learners.
- Follow Rules, Procedures and Code of Conduct of the school, government and the South African Council of Educators.
- Ensure regular communication with parents and encourage their participation in school affairs.
- The appropriate Dress Code will be adhered to.
- No refreshments on the verandah or in classes during school periods.
- No cell phones whilst teaching.
- Their learner(s) attend school every day and are punctual.
- Academic reports and comments in the school diary are competently followed-up.
- They treat all staff with respect and do not jeopardise the relationship between teacher and learner.
- The rights and responsibilities of their learner(s) to learn are upheld.
- Their learner(s) follow the Rules and Codes of the school.
- Their learner(s) are healthy, clean and neat.
- They tell school authorities about any problem concerning their learner(s) or any other learners or people in the school.
- They don’t use abusive language or behave in an abusive way.
- They discuss reports, homework and assignments with their learner(s).
- They supply their learner(s) with the basic resources needed to do their schoolwork and homework.
- They become involved in school activities.
- They pay school fees that are determined by the Board of Governance, as per agreement on/before the 7th of each month.
- They provide the school with their learner’s original birth certificate, previous reports, Study and/or Residency Permits (where applicable).
- They work together with the educators for the benefit of the learner(s).
- Hard work and acceptance of responsibility, ethics and integrity are taught at home first.
- School hours are from 07:00 until 13:50 for all learners at school. NO LEARNER IS TO BE LATE!
- Pre-school and Grade. R learners will be able to leave at 13:15 when collected by an authorised person/parent. Leaners will not be allowed to leave the school grounds prior to this.
- ALL LEARNERS MUST BE COLLECTED FROM SCHOOL BEFORE 14:00, unless they are in Aftercare.
- A supervised Homework Class, only for those learners who have enrolled in Aftercare, will take place in the afternoon from 14:00 to 15:00, thereafter supervised Aftercare until 16.45.
- AFTERCARE (Gr 1-7) is provided at R200 per month, payable for 10 months of the year. One month’s notice must be given if your learner is to be removed from Aftercare.
- Aftercare for Pre-school and Grade. R is included in their school fees. There is no additional cost.
- A R50 fine is levied if a learner in Aftercare is collected after 17.00 (R50 per half hour).
- If a learner is absent, a note from his/her Parents/Guardian must be submitted, with an explanation, as soon as the leaner is able to attend school again. This is a DOE requirement.
- A learner will receive a Letter of Permission for the Town Library from his/her subject teacher and it must be signed by the parent prior to the scheduled visit. This is not a substitute for homework class, rather for specific projects only.
- A learner must submit a Letter from his/her parent(s)/Caregiver if needing to leave the school premises during school and Aftercare hours.
- Must attend class on time
- May not leave class without permission
- May not cheat in class tests
- Must complete homework
- May not be dishonest about anything
- May not cheat during exams
- May not play truancy of several classes
- May not exhibit severely disruptive behaviour
- May not be in possession or use tobacco/alcohol/narcotic substance
- There is to be no running, climbing onto the railings or furniture, or any such irregular behaviour.
- Learners must vacate the building and verandah during breaks, and before or after normal school hours unless instructed or permitted to do otherwise.
- Chewing gum is not allowed in this school.
- No litter is to be dropped by any learner. ABSOLUTELY NO LITTERING!!
- No learner shall fight or play unofficial games liable to cause injury to anyone or damage to property; no learner shall behave in a rowdy manner or in such a way as to provoke other learners.
- Learners may not sit on, climb over or handle any boundary fences, gates or railings. No climbing on walls, pole structures, buildings and trees will be allowed at school.
- No running in the corridors.
- No toys allowed at school.
- GR1-7 will not be allowed to play on the jungle gym.
- No playing with sticks, pebbles, stones, rocks or bricks.
- No buying of sweets, ice-cream or any other substances outside school property will be allowed-FOR YOUR LEARNER`S OWN SAFETY!
No learner may use any item of school equipment or facility or grounds without permission. The use and enjoyment of equipment and facilities/grounds obviously put out for general use, are subject to the rules below:
- No learner shall wilfully misuse any item of school equipment, or mark or deface it.
- Learners shall not loiter in the toilets.
- Certain areas are declared out of bounds by the Principal/Deputy-Principal or School Management Team.
- Special permission from the teacher in charge must be obtained before learners may enter or use: The Hall, Library, Astro Court, Sports Fields.
No learner of this school shall bring discredit on the school by any unseemly behaviour in any public place or at any other school. Therefore, no learner is permitted:
- To hitch-hike in school uniform.
- To smoke in school uniform or in company with another learner, in our school uniform.
- Learners using busses or taxis shall behave in accordance with the instructions of the driver, or a person officially in charge.
- Whilst representing the school, at school or on any excursion, whether in school uniform, no learner may be in possession of any abusive substance/alcohol or be in the company of a person in possession of abusive substance/alcohol.
- To partake in any form of sexual misconduct.
- No threatening of any learner or teacher at school.
- No bullying of any learner/staff/stakeholder at school/Intentionally causing physical injury to somebody.
- No swearing at any time to anyone.
- No fighting at school will be tolerated.
- No sharp/blunt objects/knives/Taser/ pepper spray or any other potentially dangerous object will be allowed at any time/Threatening with a dangerous weapon. (Said objects will be confiscated immediately and not returned under any circumstances).
- No theft/vandalism will be tolerated.
- No sexual misconduct of whatever nature, verbal/physical or otherwise, is permitted.
- Extortion of another person`s property.
- In any of these mentioned or similar cases the Principal, SMT and/or Registration teacher will judge the situation fairly, and then consider if the incident will lead to a Last Warning/Expulsion of the learner(s).
In the following cases, a learner will not receive a second chance/Final Warning but will be expelled and asked to leave the premises immediately.
- Take part in theft or making him/her-self guilty of it.
- Partaking in, dealing or sharing any form of any potentially dangerous substance, at school, on transport and/or outside school (Possession and Peddling of narcotics substances, etc).
- Smoking of any form/substance, in or with any object (Hookay pen, etc), with or without the parents’ consent or knowledge.
- No pornography or similar abusive content, which may indicate or allow any form or nature of sexual misconduct/Sexual harassment or abuse.
- Violence of any form/Assault.
- Intentionally using a dangerous weapon.
- A continuous, disruptive learner who receives three warnings, including a Final Written Warning.
- Any abusive action, verbal or physical, towards any member of staff.
The school’s Safety Policy document is available from a member of the School`s Safety Committee. All parents/guardians are welcome to request a copy.
Homework will be given at the discretion of the class and subject teacher. Please ensure that you assist your child with relevant homework and/or revisions. PLEASE do not do their homework but only assist! If you enquire any guidance on how to assist your child do not hesitate to ask the teacher.
- Textbooks and Library are owned by the school and are the school’s property. They will be made available to learners for educational purposes. Loss or damage to any book will result in the learner being held responsible for it and will need to replace it or pay the replacement fee of R300 per book.
- Students must take good care of their stationary and will not be allowed to borrow from one another.
- Students must always be equipped with the correct stationary.
Parents are required to supply the school with all pertinent medical. This includes information regarding allergies and special care. All medical aid details must be in the learner`s file on record. Changes are to be reported to the office immediately. If an emergency does arise, parents will be notified immediately. The parent will be responsible for any payment for such an emergency treatment.
Reports will be issued for all four terms and letters of concern if applicable. It is the parents’ responsibility to respond to such a letter and to make an appointment with the educators via the office. It is also the responsibility of the parent to rise any concern regarding his/her learner’s progress.
Juniors must achieve at least
- Level 4 English Home Language = 50%
- Level 3 Mathematics = 40%
- Level 3 Life Skills = 40%
- Level 3 Afrikaans First Additional Language = 40%
Seniors must achieve at least
- Level 4 in English Home Language.
- Level 3 in Afrikaans First Additional Language.
- Level 3 in Mathematics.
- Level 3 in any other three subjects.
- Level 2 in any other two subjects.
Parents’ evenings will be held at specific times through the year and are compulsory to attend. Please take note of all the important dates as set on the calendar. These evenings will provide the necessary information and communication required to support your learner and the required teamwork between parents and educators. Parents must try to attend or supply the class teacher with a written apology.
- School fees need to be paid each month on or before the 7th of each month, no later. If school fees are outstanding and no arrangements have been made learners will be provided with food and supervision but will not be allowed in class. The Board of Governance decides on the school fees and parents will be informed about any changes.
- A registration fee will also be payable on a yearly basis at the beginning of each school year.
- Parents are not to send large sums of monies with learners, it is too huge a responsibility for them. Please use your discretion and place in a secure envelope with all the pertinent details.
Notice to Parents and Learners related to the school’s social media policy and use of cell phones and WhatsApp groups:
- No cell phones or any other electronic devices (earphones, MP3 players), including wristwatch phones, will be allowed on the school grounds at any time. Parents may contact their learner, via the school office. Learners will also be allowed to use the school phone to contact parents if any problem might occur.
- If any learner is caught with a cell phone/wristwatch phone/electronic device it will be confiscated immediately, stored safely in the office, until the parent/carer can collect it, paying a fine of R250.
If a learner continues to bring a phone/ electronic device to school it will be confiscated and given back at the end of the school year, at a cost of R250
- It is important at Future Achievers Academy that we work as a team to build positive, value-driven learners, with respect shown to all stakeholders involved.
- Please discuss all problems directly with the school and the School Management Team (SMT). We have an open-door policy and are willing to address any issue. Please Do Not discuss problems or any other person/teacher/learner involvement on Social Media (Facebook/WhatsApp/Twitter, etc.)
- PLEASE NOTE: Opinions given on Social media are like publications in newspapers and can, by law, be open to prosecution.
- The main responsibility of the Board of Governance is to protect the image and reputation of all stakeholders involved.
- Let us all follow the right channels and procedures to build a positive image of the school.
- The school has a very fair but strict discipline system in place, which is constructive and educative for all learners.
- The aim is to discipline our children, teaching them respect for others and a well-laid out value system.
- On school property, prior to, during and following regular school hours;
- At all school events, both within and outside the regular school hours, where such school events are held under the auspices of the school`s management, this includes all school events that occur off school property.
- The school’s Code of Conduct identifies different categories of misconduct or misbehaviour and its consequences. Action are taken accordingly.
- At all school events, both within and outside the regular school hours, where such school events are held under the auspices of the school’s management, this includes all school events that occur off school property.
A true Future Achiever cares for his/her environment and therefore we recycle! We are proud and enthusiastic about our recycling programme. Please bring washed plastic bottles, tins/cans, paper etc. on a THURSDAY only!! Please help us to look after our environment and be eco-friendly!
- Learners will have two breaks during school hours every day. During this time, they must be on the playground areas as allocated to age groups. No learner will be allowed on the corridors or in the classrooms unless given permission by a teacher. Learners must always also follow the school rules and listen to the elected leaders on duty.
- No toys or non-educational objects will be allowed at school at any given time. The learner must replace any school equipment that is broken, lost or damage in anyway.
- Any school outing is at the discretion of the SMT as to whether a learner has enough merits to attend.
The importance of uniformity concerning School Uniform as approved by the School Board of Governance. Our school’s image is projected by our neat school uniform and the learner gains pride and respect for his/her school. Parents please support our Uniform Policy! Uniforms must always be neat and clean. No learner will be allowed to present him/herself in an untidy manner. Inappropriate/offending clothing will be confiscated. Grade 7 boys and girls: May wear grey long pants with a short-sleeve white shirt and pull-over in summer. Home clothes/fun days only when announced.
- Blue school skirt (length: four fingers above the knee, when on your knees.)
- Grey short sleeve shirt or a golf shirt for juniors.
- LEADERS ONLY: White shirt and white short socks.
- Grey trousers or blue skirt with black tights – no white socks (Leaders only). No socks over tights.
- Grey long-sleeve shirt. ANY vest underneath must be white only!
- A black or navy tie is compulsory with long-sleeve shirts.
- Black school shoes and short grey socks only.
- Blue jersey/pullover/school blazer/windbreaker.
- Grade R: Track suits will be allowed with school shoes and a school shirt only. No other tops will be allowed.
- COMPULSORY: Blue ski-pants/hockey-tights under dresses (it is compulsory for PE and sports in any case). Please be circumspect with your child’s underwear.
- No towels/blankets around the waist.
- No learner is to come to school prepared for a personal occasion (funeral, weddings, etc). That is t to happen after school and at home.
- Grey short trousers.
- Grey short-sleeve shirt.
- Long grey socks only.
- LEADERS ONLY: White shirts and white short socks.
- Grey long trousers and grey long-sleeve shirts. ALL vests underneath must be white only!
- A black or navy tie is compulsory with long-sleeve shirts.
- Black school shoes and long grey socks only. NO SHORT SOCKS.
- Blue jersey/pullover/school blazer/windbreaker.
- Grade R: Track suits will be allowed with school shoes and a school shirt only. No other tops will be allowed.
- No towels/blankets around the waist.
- No learner is to come to school prepared for a personal occasion (funeral, wedding, etc). That is to happen after school and at home.
- No extreme hairstyles. Short, neat and one length. BOYS: Not touching the collar and ears open hairstyles.
- GIRLS: Hair must be tied back, if touching the collar, into a ponytail.
- No dreadlocks or afro. No foreign hairstyles, punk or hair with tails of any kind, no sideburns allowed. No symbols, strips, cuts, lines or two-step length cut into the scalp/hair.
- No hair colouring or bleaching is allowed.
- Hair accessories, elastics and headbands, must be plain white, blue or black.
- No decorative beads or hair pieces/wigs to be worn at all.
- Eyebrows normal, no funky styles or strips/cuts.
- All nails must be short and are not allowed to be longer than the tip of the fingers.
- No cutex/nail polish.
- Only one set in the bottom hole (if there is more than one hole in the ear).
- Only plain sleeper rings or studs of sliver or gold, without any shiny stones or patterns.
- Size: maximum 10mm rings or 3mm studs.
- Normal neutral/clear colour lip-gloss only.
- No bangles rings, chains, strings or rubber/plastic bands, except SOS tag or Medic-Alert. Crosses and rosaries may not be visible, one skin bangle allowed – for the necessary period – but small and neat on wrist.
- The above-mentioned is also applicable to all extra-mural activities. Jewellery will be confiscated.
- Only one wristwatch to be worn on the arm. Watches must be plain and conventional in design, i.e. no charms, attachments, etc. Only a plain plastic, leather or metal strap. NO PHONE WATCHES.
- All learners can wear blue shorts/blue skirts/hockey/ski pants and a COMPULSORY blue school shirt on Fridays.
- PE UNIFORM: Blue short, blue T-shirt, white socks and WHITE TRAINER TEKKIES ONLY – available at Peps/Jets/Woolworth.
No learner will be tolerated if he/she bullies another learner!! Please report if your child is being bullied